One of the most common cosmetic complaints patients have is that their teeth look discolored. If this is one of your concerns, you may notice yourself not smiling in pictures, covering your mouth while laughing, or maybe just dislike looking in the mirror. If you aren’t in love with the color of your smile, you may benefit from a little teeth whitening. Self-confidence and self-esteem are important. So, if discolored teeth are keeping you from having confidence in your smile, professional teeth whitening at Massa Dental Center can help. The New Year is a great time to make resolutions and start living your best life.
We’ve put together a few of the most commonly asked questions regarding teeth whitening to help you get started.
Why Should I Whiten My Teeth?
There are many reasons why you may be interested in whitening your teeth. In fact, some people have been thinking of teeth whitening for years before they finally come to see us. After they’ve finished their teeth whitening treatments, they’re so glad that they finally took the plunge! If you’re concerned about how dull or yellow your teeth are, then whitening may be your answer.
Even if you’re not the typical coffee or wine-drinker who knows their favorite guilty pleasure stains their teeth, you could still find yourself with a darker smile. As we age, the enamel on our teeth thins. Without the thick enamel, dentin (the layer underneath) starts to show. This dentin is darker, and it keeps growing darker as we continue to grow older.
Aren’t The Whitening Strips At The Grocery Store Good Enough?
We don’t recommend the teeth whitening strips that you can buy at the grocery store. These cheap, over-the-counter teeth whitening strips can only offer subpar results and some can even do more harm to your teeth than good. They can cause damage to your dentin layer and cause tooth sensitivity. Grocery store whitening strips also aren’t customized for your teeth or your desired results, so they won’t fit your teeth properly or help you achieve your smile goals.
What Do You Offer?
Massa Dental Center offers an effective and safe teeth whitening system that you can utilize either in our office or in the comfort of your own home. We’re here to help you achieve your smile goals so that you can feel confident in your smile again. If you have time for an in-office treatment, or you’d rather whiten your teeth at home, we can help. If you want to lighten your teeth between ten to twelve shades, book an appointment to speak with one of our Naples, FL dentists!
Call us today at (239) 597-7333 to schedule a consultation with us about the best teeth whitening options for your smile.